this blogpost is ridiculously long and will make you utterly jealous.
Day 1: I
woke up at 4 AM to finish packing and eventually make it to the bus. The drive
to Berlin was about ten hours and we arrived just before dinner. As for the
majority of the trip, we stayed in a hostel and ate dinner there. The food
wasn't very good but the rooms reminded me of a very modern and
not-in-the-wilderness summer camp. After dinner, a group of us went exploring
and then made it back in time for curfew.
Day 2: Our day started with a bus tour of the city; Berlin
has a lot of history so there were many things to see. I can't remember
everywhere we stopped but my favorites were the holocaust memorial and the
remaining pieces of the Berlin wall. We were only given twenty minutes at each
stop so everything was very rushed but the impressions definitely lasted. I do
wish I had gotten to walk the entire wall though. We were taken back to the
area of our hotel and given free time until dinner. A group of about six of us
took the mall to get lunch at the food court. I split off to get typical German
fast food: currywurst. The hour we spent eating lunch was also spent trying to
teach the Australians and New Zealanders real English. At one point the phrase
"its not McNiggets" was yelled and that stuck for the rest of the
trip. We did some more wandering and sight seeing before making it back to the
hotel for dinner. Afterwards, we got absolutely and fabulously lost looking for
a water-pipe bar. We found it and spent an hour there before heading back to
the hotel to make curfew. All of the girls in my room were laying in bed, with
the door cracked open waiting for someone to come back from using the wifi
downstairs , when a group of drunk German men open the door and proceed to yell
"guten morgen guten morgen." No sooner did our counselor, who was luckily
passing through the hallway, shoo them out.

Day 3: We left straight away in the morning for the Czech
border. The drive was split up to make the bus ride feel shorter. Our first
stop was a few hours in Dresden to see the castle and eat lunch. Once we
continued and got into the Czech countryside, the drive was gorgeous; there
were fields upon fields of goldenrod, and seeing actual hills for the first
time in nine months was quite the sight. We stopped at Theresienstadt work camp
for a tour. Going to a place where masses of people were tortured and died is
never a pleasant thing. Throughout the entire tour we were reminded that this
was no where near the worst and was only a prison camp, meaning very few Jews
passed through there. We continued on, making it into Prague a few hours before
dinner. Caitlin, Billie, and I decided to go exploring and found a supermarket.
After living in Denmark, and being adjusted to outrageously high prices, being
able to buy things for next to nothing was extraordinary. We almost went insane
deciding what to buy. Because we were in the suburbs of Prague and hadn't seen
how to get anywhere yet, we had a hyggelig night in the hotel.

Day 4: Prague, my favorite city on the trip. I cannot
describe how beautiful this city is and how infatuated I was, and continue to
be by it. Imagine a fairy tale, now imagine it in real life - that is Prague.
Anyways, our first stop was the castle and church sitting on a large hill. I
don't remember much of the castle because my memories are focused on the breathlessness
I felt looking down over the city. I wish I could explain this better to you
but it was truly marvelous. After gazing for longer than socially acceptable,
we made our way down through small streets with specialty stores lining each
side. We stopped for ice cream and then were taken into the city center with
the instruction that we had free time until dinner. Caitlin, Keegan, Billie and
I took off to find real Czech food and found ourselves overlooking the city
center from a second story restaurant. After lunch, we did a little more
walking around before getting in on eastern European prices and going shopping.
I bought way more than I should have, but with those prices, I'm lucky I didn't
go completely overboard. Back to hotel - dinner - free time. The girls and I
got all dressed up and headed back into the city to enjoy ice cream next to the
river, with a spectacular view of the castle.

Day 5: Leaving Prague after only two days was like leaving a
candy store and only buying one small chocolate. The day was mostly spent on
the bus, arriving in Vienna during midafternoon. We visited the summerhouse, or
should I say summer palace, of the royal family and then headed back to the hotel
for dinner and free time.
Day 6: Our
day started out with a walking tour, although I don’t remember seeing anything
too exciting. Perhaps this was because the weather was gloomy or because coming
from Prague, it is a tough comparison. During free time I actually headed back
to the hotel for a nap. After dinner, Georgia, Daisy and I went exploring
trying to find what we thought was a night market. Turns out there was a
mistranslation and it was a regular market and closed at regular times.
Afterwards, we pondered through Vienna’s streets finding cozy places to sit.
Day 7: Our
drive through the Austrian landscape was incredible. We were going through
mountains and overlooking glorious valleys. Crossing into Italy, the landscape
didn’t change for about an hour and then all of a sudden it was just flat. No
hills, no valleys, completely flat. Shortly after we made it to Lido di Jesolo,
a group of us had our swimsuits on and were running down to the beach.
Considering that Minnesota is very landlocked, and the water surrounding
Denmark is freakishly cold, I have very limited experience with ocean swimming.
Everyone laughed at me as I blundered about in the waves and childishly ran
about. Regardless, this is one of my favorite memories from the trip. Dinner was
at the hotel and afterwards one of the local nightclubs had invited our group
to attend and alcohol free event with people our own age. When we arrived, we
were literally surrounded by twelve year olds. Needless to say, everyone
quickly left and flocked towards the beach.
Day 8: Our
destination was Venice, the city on the water. With the weather still looking
gloomy, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Luckily, the rain washed away any fish
smell and we were able to buy cheap umbrellas from sketchy looking men. I did
not go on a gondola ride but I did spend the day wandering in and out of mask
shops, pizzerias, and found myself a cannoli. When we got back to Lido di
Jesolo, Keegan and I braved the cold weather and went for a swim. Swimming in
Minnesota isn’t always warm so I adjust easily to the water. Keegan on the
other hand is from New Zealand and he lasted about ten minutes before coming
down with the shivers. After dinner, I took a long walk on the beach at dusk.
This was just what I needed to reflect and debrief from the past week.
Day 9: By
Danish law, our bus driver is entitled to a full day without driving after a
certain number of days. This meant that we had a full day in Lido to spend
however we pleased. With the weather still being grim, and Lido being a beach
town, there wasn’t too much to do. Being exchange students, we made the best of
it. Right after breakfast, we headed down to the beach, braving the rain and
wind, and swam for a good half an hour. We dried off and hung out at the hotel
for the majority of the day. In the afternoon, almost everyone went swimming,
although very few stayed in the water. After dinner, our counselors had told us
to prepare a ‘talent’ to show the entire group. My room decided to do the
cinnamon challenge. None of us lasted very long and I had a sore throat for the
two days after.
Day 10: We
took of early for Verona, arriving just around eleven. Keegan, Billie, and I
enjoyed the Italian lifestyle and basked in the sun as we ate gelato and some
kind of bread pizza sandwich. We didn’t try to find Juliette’s balcony because
none of us were too interested in it. We took off again after lunch and arrived
in San Remo for dinner. Our tour guide got lost going to the hotel so we walked
up this ginormous hill before realizing we were on the wrong side of town. The
rest of the evening was spent running around the hotel and sleeping.
Day 11: We
drove along the coast for an hour or two before arriving in Monaco. The city
was beautiful but expensive. We ate lunch and then climbed a hill to get into
the old town and overlook the harbor. Words cannot describe the view so I will
just leave it for the pictures to explain. We continued on and arrived in
Avignon midafternoon. Our hostel had a pool and the sun was shining so everyone
was in the water or getting a tan. We even had speakers and beach balls to play
with; all we needed was a grill and some hot dogs and it would have been a real
pool party. That night, a group of about twenty of us took a walk down to the
river and spent about two hours playing games, dancing and singing.
Day 12: The
first stop of the day was to Pont du Gard, an ancient roman aqueduct. I can now
say I have been to the largest, still existing, world heritage site. After
about two hours, we were brought back into Avignon for free time. Avignon is a
city built inside a fortress and there decent shopping. For lunch we got crepes
that were about three fourths the length of my arm. Afterwards, the girls I was
with decided we wanted to give the boys makeovers so we spent our free time
helping theme find clothes that would best compliment their features. We were
taken back to the hotel for dinner and afterwards were given a pop quiz about
Denmark, the trip, and Justin Bieber. My team came in second and we all won a
can of pringles.
Day 13:
This was a long day on the bus; we didn’t have any cities to separate the drive
between Avignon and Paris, only stops to pee and eat. Not only that, but the
night prior three boys were caught drinking and needed to be taken to the
airport to be sent back to Denmark. When we were all giving them our goodbyes,
the mood on the bus was depressing. Not only were we saying goodbyes to
friends, but for me personally it hit home that I am going to leave soon.
Anyways, we arrived at the hotel around eight and were shortly brought to
dinner. French meals last for ages so we weren’t given any free time that
Day 14: We were
out the door and on a river cruise as quickly as the tour guides could make us
go. The river cruise was very beautiful and towards the end we were attacked by
Asian tourists trying to take pictures with us. At first it was hilarious and
then they got rowdy and pushy, so by the time we got off the boat, we were
relieved to be free. Afterwards, we took the train to… DISNEYLAND! It was
magical; it was a walk through my childhood. The only problem I had was that
the lines are too long. I mean seriously, who wants to wait 45 minutes for a
ride that lasts thirty seconds? The best part of the day was the
fireworks/light show at the end. The entire castle was lit up and playing
scenes from various Disney movies. Again, one of my favorite memories.
Day 16: From
Paris to Brussels! I am thankful I didn’t go to Belgium on exchange because all
I did in the few hours there was eat. First was a waffle, next Belgian fries (French
fries are actually Belgian), then lots and lots of chocolate. We were taken to
an area where there wasn’t too much to do and then given a small tour of the city.
From Brussels to Doorwerth, a small city outside of Amsterdam with very little
to do. When I say very little, I mean there is a supermarket that closes at six
and a park. We wandered around, played ninja, practiced our street pole
dancing, and played pool.
Day 17: The
last city on the trip: Amsterdam. We were given a boat tour and then cut loose
until five. While looking for an outdoor market, Billie, Allie, and I
accidentally stumbled into the red light district. It was completely unmarked;
it was like all of a sudden women with very little clothing were standing in a
window. A little bit shocking, but rather interesting. We spent the rest of the
day doing some shopping, finding treasures, and eating. When we got back to the
hotel, we were the only residents. This was perfect considering it was our last
night together. The counselors arranged for us to play charades and have
snacks, but the rest of the time was ours. We stayed up until two or three
playing games in the lobby.
Day 18: The
long dreaded drive back to Denmark. By far the longest driving day because
there were no city stops, only driving. Getting home, I thought I would be
relieved by having personal space and my own shower but I was completely wrong.
I actually felt lonely. There was no one there to cuddle with or talk to when
going to bed. I cannot wait to be back together with everyone on Sunday.