Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Compared to the US school system, Danes have so many breaks and I'm not complaining. Påskeferie, or Easter Holiday, whipped through this past week and it felt like I didn't even have time to blink. Instead of giving you a run through of every single day, I am just going to give you the highlights.

Switching host families: I am now at my third host family, living two houses away from my first! Crazy to think that I am in the last stretch of my exchange, even though it feels like its just beginning (time escaping me is becoming a reoccurring theme). Anyways, I now have Ditte and Casper as siblings and Kim and Mette as parents! I want to give the biggest thank you I can to Michael, Maria, Mille and Magnus for hosting me and letting me become a part of your family! Jeg savner jer.

Germany: Probably the most exciting Easter I will ever have, we left early in the morning Sunday to go to Heidepark in Germany. Heidepark is an amusement park right in between Hamburg and Hannover. At first, I was a little scared of German safety standards, but as I am still walking and fully in tact, everything turned out okay. I have never been to an amusement park outside of Minnesota so the rides were so fun! I wish I could explain them to you but the best words I can come up with are "tall" and "fast" or "curvy." There were also very tall slides all over the park so Frederik and I climbed five flights of stairs twice to go down them. Anyways, we spent the entire day there and left tired and sunburnt. Dinner was wiener-schnitzel, which I apparently got Hawaiian style, meaning it had melted cheese and pineapple with jelly on top. I had a hotel room to myself so I spent the night watching cartoons in German and then falling into a deep sleep. The next morning we were on the road half past ten where we quickly stopped at and indoor winter park. Basically you could ski/snowboard inside year round. We then stopped for a few hours in Flensborg for lunch and a walk through the city, before continuing home.

Running sushi: I was not aware this concept had made it to the US, but I don't know anywhere in Minnesota that has it. Essentially it is a sushi buffet, where the sushi comes around on a conveyor belt. I am in love. I had it for the first time with Mille in Viborg then for lunch in Germany. The only problem is that you walk away feeling more full than you do from thanksgiving (this might be an exaggeration because I can't remember what thanksgiving fullness feels like).

Miscellaneous: My class celebrated two eighteenth birthdays with a big party. I didn't lose at cosmic bowling for once. I met the majority of my host family's extended family through an Easter Lunch and a birthday party. I realized how big American stores are compared to Danish ones and started worrying about what going to Walmart is going to do to me. Loving my life here more than ever and not even close to ready to leave.
Magnus likes me sometimes.

Surprisingly less stuff than the last move.

The new room, already a mess.

Hawaiian Wiener-Schnitzel.

Flensborg harbor.

The Heidepark crew.

Heidepark from above.

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