Tuesday, September 9, 2014

One Month Millie

It is amazing to think that exactly one month ago I was stepping onto the tarmac in Aalborg, looking for the way to the baggage claim. This month has by far exceeded my expectations and I have done plenty of things I never would have dreamed of. This includes having a Brazilian song stuck in my head for a week, having an international cuddle session, and willingly eating black licorice.With everything I've done, it feels as if I’ve only been here for a week. Time needs to slow down.

My Danish has made quite a bit of progress! If people speak slowly, and use hand gestures, I can understand most of what they are trying to say. I can normally form some kind of reply but I need a little help. The first time I created my own sentence without help from anyone, I almost cried with joy. I start language school tonight so hopefully I will progress even more quickly.

On Friday, my school had an Aktivitetsdag, which directly translates to “Activities Day.” My first four hours were spent at the Doctor Who workshop. My class watched an episode of Doctor Who, answered some questions, then went on a scavenger hunt. After the workshop was over, we played rundbold.In English its called Rounders but I’m not quite sure exactly what it is. It was kind of like a mixture of baseball, kickball, and tennis. Regardless, my class wasn’t very good and we lost to the first year, music class. At the end of the day, we had our first Friday Cafe and then a Danish Reggae band played a concert.

This past weekend, I took a train to Odense to meet up with a few exchange students and “run” the Color Run.Saturday, we walked around Odense and hung out at parks. I had McDonald’s for the first time in Denmark. It was double the cost and it was not as good as the greasy, cheesy, Minnesota McDonald’s that I’m used to, but I ate it regardless. Heading back to our campsite, we underestimated how long the bus ride would be, so when we go there it was wall after dark and already raining. Putting the tent up was very frustrating, and took much longer than it should have. Needless to say, it was a very wet and cold night. Sunday morning, we woke up and headed back into Odense for the Color Run. When we got to where we thought the starting line would be, we found out that it was actually three kilometers away. Not wanting to be late, we half ran and half walked our way there.I had planned on actually running the race, but after we got through the starting line, it was very evident that no one was going to run. The path the race took, zigzagged through a zoo, so as we are running we got to see zebras, ostriches, and lions. By the end of the race, I was coated in color; even my teeth had gotten color on them.The powder they threw at you was actually quite powerful, as I still have random patches of blue on my legs, and my hair has pink highlights. Definitely a successful weekend.

The Color Run Crew.

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